On this page we will address a few Frequently Asked Questions. If you are unfamiliar with Yoga hopefully these will give you a little guidance.
If you already attend a yoga class, feel comfortable to ask your teacher questions before or at the end of class.
The relationship of teacher & student in Yoga is a supportive one and asking questions can help create a bond, as well as further the teacher's understanding of your needs and further the students understanding of their practice.
If you already attend a yoga class, feel comfortable to ask your teacher questions before or at the end of class.
The relationship of teacher & student in Yoga is a supportive one and asking questions can help create a bond, as well as further the teacher's understanding of your needs and further the students understanding of their practice.
Who can do yoga?
The simple answer is almost everyone.
Yoga, through the eyes of the Bermuda Yoga Teachers Association, is all about community and inclusivity for all.
Yoga is available to all body types, physical abilities, the old and the young, the flexible and inflexible, whatever your ethnicity, race and economic status. For sure your yoga practice may need to be adapted to suit you as an individual and the great news is that here in Bermuda we have a plethora of teachers who will help you navigate your specific needs!
Yoga is not about your physical ability to perform a pose, it’s about the connection to yourself and a journey of awareness and self-exploration.
The thoughts and worries that may lead you to believe that you are not right for yoga, can be an indication that it is the perfect time to start.
Yoga, through the eyes of the Bermuda Yoga Teachers Association, is all about community and inclusivity for all.
Yoga is available to all body types, physical abilities, the old and the young, the flexible and inflexible, whatever your ethnicity, race and economic status. For sure your yoga practice may need to be adapted to suit you as an individual and the great news is that here in Bermuda we have a plethora of teachers who will help you navigate your specific needs!
Yoga is not about your physical ability to perform a pose, it’s about the connection to yourself and a journey of awareness and self-exploration.
The thoughts and worries that may lead you to believe that you are not right for yoga, can be an indication that it is the perfect time to start.