Certification & Training
CYT - Certified Yoga Teacher
Information coming soon...
RYT - Registered Yoga Teacher
Information coming soon...
E-RYT - Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher
And 'experienced' yoga teacher has logged a certain amount of post-graduate teaching hours.
At the 200hr level, E-RYT means two years and at least 1,000 hours of teaching.
At the 500hr level the E-RYT designation means the teacher has taught at lease 2,000 hours - 500 of these hours must be completed after the 500hr certification - and has a minimum of 4 years teaching experience.
At the 200hr level, E-RYT means two years and at least 1,000 hours of teaching.
At the 500hr level the E-RYT designation means the teacher has taught at lease 2,000 hours - 500 of these hours must be completed after the 500hr certification - and has a minimum of 4 years teaching experience.
RCYT - Registered Children's Yoga Teacher
Information coming soon...
RPYT - Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher
Information coming soon...
Information coming soon...